Helpful information and resources to make sure you can continue to operate your short-term rental legally


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State & Local Tax Information

Estes Park Lodging Tax

Guests who stay overnight in the Estes Park Local Marketing District pay a lodging tax on the total amount of their stay for all stays less than 30 days. The current lodging tax percentage collected is 2%.

Colorado Sales Tax

A Colorado Sales Tax License or Colorado Account number is required for renting of property for less than 30 days. A valid Sales Tax License is obtained through the Colorado Department of Revenue.

Estes Park Vacation Rental Regulations

The Town of Estes Park regulates various types of short-term rentals located within the town limits of Estes Park. The Town designates these properties as vacation homes. Most such properties are simply vacation homes (8 or fewer occupants) or large vacation homes (with 9 or more occupants possible).

There is, however, another category for Bed and Breakfast Inns (occupied by an owner or manager and providing food) and general business licensing requirements for other accommodations (such as hotels and lodges), which have different requirements than a vacation home.

Vacation Home License Issuance

A vacation home within the Town of Estes Park must comply with the Municipal Code – section 5.20.110.  This requires obtaining of a business license from the Town and also requires:

  • Filing of a business license application form
  • Payment of an annual business license fee of $200 plus $50 per bedroom
  • Payment of an annual workforce housing linkage fee of $1,430
  • Proof of a current sales tax license for the applicant
  • A satisfactory compliance inspection evidencing compliance with the Municipal Code and the Development Code
  • A satisfactory life safety inspection and issuance of a certificate of occupancy
  • Mailing of a written notice (and proof of mailing) to neighbors located within 100 feet of the boundary of the property

The vacation home application form can be found here.

License Cap in Residential Zones

The number of vacation home licenses issued in residential zoning districts is capped at 322 licenses.  No application for a vacation home license in a residential zoning district submitted after October 12, 2021 shall be valid.  Vacation homes in non-residential zoning districts are not subject to this license cap.

License Transferability

Active vacation rental licenses are nontransferable (including to another property) and terminate upon a sale or transfer of ownership with the following exceptions:

  • An active license for a vacation home located in a non-residential zoning district is transferable
  • An active license for a vacation home located in a residential zoning district which has been operating continuously with the required license since prior to October 18, 2021, is transferable

An application by the new owner is required upon transfer and is subject to a fee equal to the annual business license fee.

Operating Requirements

  • The vacation home shall have a designated local resident or local property manager residing within the Estes Park Recreation and Park District or the Estes Park School District R-3 boundary who can be contacted by telephone and is available when the vacation home is rented.
  • A specific required notice shall be posted in a prominent location within the vacation home
  •  All advertising for the vacation home shall indicate the business license number and the maximum number of allowed occupants
  • Except in the CD Downtown Commercial Zoning District, the vacation home shall have at least 2 off-street parking spaces and a number of off-street parking spaces not in excess of the number of bedrooms in the vacation home.
  • Occupancy is limited to two individuals per sleeping room plus 2 individuals per vacation home, with a maximum occupancy within residential zoning districts of 8 individuals (except for “large vacation homes”)
  • A vacation home cannot be rented to more than one party at a time
  • Use of outdoor solid fuel burning appliances are prohibited

Violations of these requirements are subject to escalating fines beginning at $250 for the first violation and increasing with subsequent violations up to $1,000 per violation and, ultimately, license suspension or revocation.

Larimer County Short-Term Rental Regulations

Larimer County regulates various types of short-term rentals in the Estes Valley.  Most such properties are simply short-term rentals or vacation homes under the County vernacular. 

There are, however, other categories for Hosted Short-Term Rentals (occupied by an owner or manager), Bed and Breakfast Inns (occupied by an owner or manager and providing food), and Small Hotel and Resort Lodges/Cottages, which have different requirements than a short-term rental or vacation home.

Below is a summary of the requirements for short-term rentals in unincorporated areas in the Estes Valley.

Short-Term Rental License Issuance

A short-term rental within unincorporated areas in the Estes Valley must comply with the Larimer County ordinance and the Land Use Code regulations regarding short-term rentals in the Estes Valley. This requires obtaining of a short-term rental license from the County and also requires:

  • Filing of a short-term rental license application form, with a pre-application conference required
  • Payment of an application fee of $1,233 (as of 9/20/23)
  • A satisfactory compliance inspection evidencing compliance with the Land Use Code
  • A satisfactory life safety inspection and issuance of a certificate of occupancy
  • Mailing of a written notice (and proof of mailing) containing contact information for the Owner or Property Manager to neighbors located within 500 feet of the  property

See submittal requirements here.

License Cap in Residential Zones

The number of short-term rental licenses issued in residential zoning districts is capped at 266 licenses. Interested applicants can apply to be added to a waiting list if the cap is met and then are eligible to apply for a license in the order of the addition to the waiting list. Vacation homes in non-residential zoning districts are not subject to this license cap. If a district is re-zoned as EV E-1A (which permits short-term rentals), the cap in other residential areas would be reduced to 209. This is to reflect the possible rezoning of Windcliff as EV E-1A.

Proximity Limits

A new short-term rental is not allowed within 500 feet of an existing short-term rental in most residential zones.  This restriction does not apply to short-term rentals in accommodation zones (EV A and EV A-1) or in a EV E-1S zone.

License Transferability

Active short-term rental licenses are nontransferable (including to another location) and terminate upon a sale or transfer of ownerhsip with the following exceptions:

  • An active license for a short-term rental located in a EV A or EV A-1 accommodation zoning district is transferable
  • An active license for a short-term rental located in a residential zoning district which has been operating continuously with the required license since prior to June 1, 2023, is transferable

Operating Requirements

  • The short-term rental shall have a designated local resident or local property manager residing within the Estes Park Recreation and Park District boundary to affirmatively respond to complaints within one hour.
  • Specific required signage shall be posted at each interior entrance and exit within the vacation home
  • The location of the property boundaries shall be easily identifiable and posted
  • An operations manual/user guide will be provided to occupants in a visible location
  • The short-term rental shall have a plan for garbage storage and removal
  • Cooking appliance shall be equipped with a stovetop fire stop and anti-tip device or approved alternative
  • Approved fire extinguishers shall be installed in readily accessible and visible locations in each room with a cooking appliance, fireplace, heating appliance or water heater and inside and adjacent to a door leading to a deck, porch or patio with such appliances, and in any event at lease one on each story of the short-term rental
  • Any advertising for the short-term rental shall contain the Larimer County license number in the banner heading and list the approved number of occupants.
  • The property shall not be advertised as an event space
  • Only one short-term rental is permitted on a property
  • Each short-term rental shall have a minimum of 2 parking spaces and are required to be paved with concrete, asphalt or similar material from the edge of the roadway to the right-of-way line. Limits are placed on the total number of vehicles parked outside based on the size of the property lot.  Lots of 2 acres or less are allowed parking of 4 vehicles on the property and more vehicles are permitted on larger lots. 
  • Occupancy is limited to two individuals per bedroom plus 2 individuals per additional sleeping area, with a maximum occupancy of 10 individuals
  • A short-term rental in a residential zoning district must be a minimum of 500 feet from any other short-term rental
  • Accessory living areas shall not be utilized as a short-term rental
  • Guests are not permitted to stay overnight in any motor vehicle, including recreational vehicles, travel trailers or tents
  • The short-term rental shall have an approved and reliable water sources
  • A short-term rental located within 1,000 fee of the boundary of a public open space or park land is subject to mitigation requirements with respect to public natural resources or wildlife.
  • Use of outdoor solid fuel burning appliances are prohibited in identified wildfire hazard zones
  • The short-term rental shall have reliable cellular, VoIP service or a landline
  • Short-term rentals shall not be permitted in certain flooplain zones or adjacent to certain floodplain zones
  • Roadways, including private roadways, to the short-term rental must comply with certain County rural area roadway standards
  • A Building Division inspection is required every 4 years to verify continued compliance with requirements

Violations of these requirements are subject to fines beginning of up to $1,000 per violation and, ultimately, license suspension or revocation.

Being a Good Neighbor

Noise Ordinance

Quiet Hours:

10:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. daily

Best Practices

  • Do not allow parties at your property and watch out for early warning signs
  • Use noise monitoring to monitor noise decibel levels
  • Use external security cameras to monitor guest traffic
  • Inform guests of noise rules and good neighbor expectations in your listing, house rules, and pre-stay communications

Residential Parking Ordinance

Parking limitations and requirements vary by district throughout Estes Valley. 

Citations Issues for Violations

Best Practices

  • Do not allow parties at your property and watch out for early warning signs
  • Use external security cameras to monitor guest parking
  • Inform guests of parking limits, requirements, and availability in your listing, house rules, pre-stay communications, and on-site signage

Residential Waste Ordinance

Waste and recycling are to be stored in assigns bins and brought to and from the curb on corresponding pickup days.

Citations Issues for Violations

Best Practices

  • Use external security cameras to monitor trash management
  • Inform guests of trash and recycling management procedures in your house manual, on-site signage, and in-stay communications

Being a Great Host and Neighbor

Don't Allow Parties


Respect Quiet Hours + Use Noise Monitoring

Honor Parking Limits

Do Not Allow Any Illegal Activity

Use Exterior Cameras

Meet your Neighbors and Give them Your information

Maintain Property Exterior

Be an Ambassador to Estes Valley



What is considered a short-term rental?

Any rental agreement with guest/renter of less than 30 days. This is for both Town of Estes Park properties as well as County.

If my HOA doesn’t allow STRs but the Town of Estes Park or Larimer County does, can I still host?

Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) set covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) to which property owners must adhere. This might include prohibiting short-term rentals. If violated, the HOA typically:

  • Issues a Notice: Providing a chance for correction.
  • Levies Fines: If the owner persists post-notice.
  • Takes Legal Action: Possible lawsuit and court injunction.
  • Places a Lien: Unpaid fines could lead to a lien, hindering property sales.
  • Recovers Enforcement Costs: HOAs can reclaim legal fees if they win the case.
  • Homeowners should check HOA CC&Rs before listing their property. Consulting a real estate attorney is advised if they suspect unfair HOA actions.

Can my HOA override state or local laws? 

An HOA cannot override state or local laws but can make more strict rules/regulations. 

What if my property falls outside of city limits – does the town ordinance/rule still apply to me?

If the property is outside Estes Park Town limits, STR rules, regulations, and fees do not apply to it.

How do I find out if my home is in the town or county? 

Find out if your home is in the town or county by checking your address on the Larimer County site.

Do I need a license if my property is in an unincorporated area?  

Residents of Larimer County & Estes Park Town limits must obtain a STR license in accord with the governmental entity ordinances.

What are the regulations in the town and/or county?

When do we need to apply for the STR permit?

Before advertising a Short-Term Rental (STR) online, an STR Permit is mandatory, regardless of location property in Estes Park or Larimer County. Application requirements differ by jurisdiction and property zoning.

If I am renting my home for a special one-time event, do I need a local license? 

No matter whether you are within the Estes Park Town limits or the County, if you are in a residential zone, events are not allowed. A permit is needed if you are within a commercial zoning in either jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction has a different process to obtain such a permit.

How does a citizen file a noise complaint? How is it resolved? 

This depends on whether the STR is with Town limits of Estes Park or outside the Town limits in Larimer County.

The following are links to the processes in each of the entities:

How do I become a member of EVSTRA? 

See membership options and join here.

Become a Member

The Estes Valley STRA is a membership organization. Owners, hosts, local businesses, and other affiliates are invited to join. Your membership will support our efforts to safeguard local vacation rentals, and members get access to exclusive benefits!

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